


Jar con galletas integrales.

INGREDIENTES: Harina de integral, mantequilla, endulzante con stevia.

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Atractiva y deliciosa combinación de Yogurt Griego y granola artesanal, adornados con fresas frescas.

INGREDIENTS:  Yogurt Griego Parfait, Granola Artesanal, Fresas naturales.

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Lamb is a very subjective item. Many people feel that New Zealand or Australian is the best and others feel there is no lamb other than American and are willing to pay the premium price for it. Lamb from each…


Lamb is a very subjective item. Many people feel that New Zealand or Australian is the best and others feel there is no lamb other than American and are willing to pay the premium price for it. Lamb from each…

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Weight 0.250 kg
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